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Average Monthly Hotline 126,500 $110/M
Total File 1,724,300 $110/M

The College Net responder file is comprised of a unique listing of consumers who responded to receive information on college & general education related products and services.

This file consists of young adults who are buyers or have opted in to a variety of education & college related offers including– college loans, debt consolidation, distance learning, job recruitment, credit cards, supplies, student entertainment, vacation packages, etc.

These consumers use the Internet to research and plan their purchases and entertainment needs

Reach out to these responsive individuals who will respond well to multiple offers including: Internet, entertainment, recruitment, books, credit cards, insurance, travel, etc.


  • Online Direct Response
  • Gender

  • 42% Male 56% Females
  • Minimum Order

  • 5,000 records
  • Format

    Email $50/F
    Net Name Arrangement

  • 85% Net 20,000 or more $6/M run charge
  • Selections

    Demographics $10/M

    Terms and Conditions: Stated prices are for one time use only. Orders canceled before mail date are subject to $10/M running charges and a $50 flat cancellation fee. Orders cancelled after the mail date on purchase order, will be charged full price. We believe the information concerning this list to be accurate; however we do not guarantee its accuracy or the outcome of the mailing. We are not liable for any damages or loss sustained through use of this list, or for any special or consequential damages, and in no event shall our liability exceed the price of the list.

    228 Park Avenue S. Suite #83872 | New York, NY 10003 | (201) 833-9003 | [email protected] |