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Career Minded Online College Student Career Applicants

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Average Monthly Hotline 78,445 $120/M
Total File 2,795,349$110/M

In order to enhance their company’s image and increase sales, these executives have started the process of creating a company web site. These professionals have registered a domain name on behalf of their company and are involved in strategic business and e-business decisions.

This file allows companies to target via direct mail or telemarketing growth-oriented small businesses, who have proven their desire to adapt to changing technology and new marketing strategies.

These executives have purchasing power over many of their companyu2019s business needs including products and services such as Internet, marketing, credit cards, loans, E-commerce, security, and office supplies.u00a0


  • Online Direct Response
  • Gender

  • 28% Males 68% Female
  • Minimum Order

  • 5,000
  • Format

    Email $50/F
    Net Name Arrangement

  • .
  • Selections

    HS Grad Date $15/M
    Career Interests $15/M
    Gender $10/M
    Demographics $10/M

    Terms and Conditions: Stated prices are for one time use only. Orders canceled before mail date are subject to $10/M running charges and a $50 flat cancellation fee. Orders cancelled after the mail date on purchase order, will be charged full price. We believe the information concerning this list to be accurate; however we do not guarantee its accuracy or the outcome of the mailing. We are not liable for any damages or loss sustained through use of this list, or for any special or consequential damages, and in no event shall our liability exceed the price of the list.

    228 Park Avenue S. Suite #83872 | New York, NY 10003 | (201) 833-9003 | [email protected] |